Whats On

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Notices – 14th July    2024

 Bell and Cupola updates

 Tuesday 10th September  

11am old bell to be lowered down and placed in church, next to new bell for all to look at

11am -3pm refreshments will be served for those who come to see the bells and the displays about building the cupola

5pm Service of thanksgiving with The Bishop of Lynn followed by Fizz and cake

Wednesday 11th September

11am new bell to be lifted up tower and hung in Cupola, and hopefully rung for the 1st time


ALSO  Heacham Carnival 4th August 2024 It has been agreed by the Parish Council that Heacham Parish Church Coronation Bell is the charity that money collected is going to So we need lots of volunteers to walk with buckets (or whizz in mobility scooters!) collecting money as part of the parade. Please let one of the wardens know if you can do this - the more the merrier!


Are you creative and good at designing and making displays? We need someone or a small team to put together the many photos of the building of the cupola and the casting of the bell, for a display in the chancel for the September celebrations and to be in church for some time afterwards, with photos added of that event too. Please let Veronica know if you would like to be involved?


 Wedding invitation

Roger Whitbread  and Christine Abbots are getting married on Monday 15th July at 1pm in church and would like to invite us all to the service   and afterwards to Silver Sands at North Beach.


 July   Services

 14th July – Morning Worship

21st July – Holy Communion with Archdeacon Catherine on her pastoral visitation

28th July – Morning Worship


Confirmation   8th December

Bishop Jane is coming to Heacham Parish Church on 8th December to do a confirmation service. If you are interested in being confirmed, or would like to know more please talk to me. Veronica 01485 570697 Heacham.vicar@gmail.com


Colin Ives’ Funeral is at 2.30pm on Thursday 25th July in church, all are welcome


There is lots on in church this week:

 Chit, chat and coffee Tuesday 16th July 10-11.30am, come if you can and bring a friend or neighbour too if you can


Swearing in of Church Wardens by the Archdeacon of Lynn is here at Heacham Parish Church on Tuesday 16th July, starting at 6pm with a service at 6.30pm, All are welcome to support Liz and Chris as they ‘officially’ become church wardens.



 Thursday 18th July at 630pm Heacham and Rising Deanery Synod meets at Heacham Parish Church. At this meeting Irene Williams from The Samaritans is talking about the work they do, everyone is welcome to that.


Updated Church Directories are ready to collect from church, please bring your old one for us to shred, or confirm that you have shredded your old one , so we can comply with GDPR regulations


Morning Prayer - Monday to Friday, at 9am

Morning Prayer follows Morning Prayer from the Northumbrian Community Celtic Prayer 

It takes place on Zoom on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9am. On Tuesday and Thursday morning Celtic Prayer will be in Church, in the Chancel, at 9am.  Everyone welcome : contact Andrew Pearson (apearson@adap.co.uk)


Other Dates for your Diary

1st Thursday every month Bereavement Support Group,     

                                            10am at Pine Mall Hall

2nd Wednesday of each month – 10.30am Heacham Methodist                                              

                                                    Holy Communion

Once a month on a Tuesday    10am Chit Chat & Coffee 



Church Contact:

Rev. Veronica Wilson tel. 01485 570697     email: heacham.vicar@gmail.com

Church Office tel. 01485 572539 (answerphone) email:heacham.church@gmail.com


Church Wardens:

Liz Dormer-Ainge 01485 571662 lizabeth.a.da@gmail.com

Chris Wright   07525 175361 chris.edward.wright@gmail.com    




Page last updated: Thursday 11th July 2024 10:48 PM
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